Sunday, 18 November 2012

Barham Bus Cafe

Friday 28 September  attended Barham Park Consultation meeting. Current ideas of improving Barham Park

One of the real challenges is how to increase the numbers of people visiting Barham Park !

Suggested a really innovative idea of locating an old "Route Master Bus" in the Grounds of Barham Park and converting it into a Social Enterprise Community Cafe called "Barham Bus Cafe"

Example of Bus Cafe
and how it might look

  Brick Lane Bus Cafe    

So where would you locate a Route Master Bus Cafe at Barham Park ?

We suggest that the current Car park be relocated to the rear of the park at the western end on the current eyesore that was left 2 years ago after work from the Railway was completed and now not grassed.

The benefits of moving the car park :
1. Reduce potential fatal accident from someone reversing from the carpark
2. Reduce possibility of accidents from turning from Harrow Rd or driving out onto Harrow Rd
3. Ability to locate Barham Bus Cafe directly near the childrens playground on current tarmac car parking area easy access
4. Ability to hold weekend markets on the tarmac area around the proposed Barham Bus Cafe
5. Barham Bus Cafe very visible from Harrow Rd and provide an Iconic feature for Barham Park
6. Attract passing foot traffic along Harrow Rd and people waiting at bus stop
7. Improves walker flow by naturally forcing people if they are parking car to walk from the rear of the Barham Park

Possible new location for car park at the Western end of Barham Park using the area from Harrow Rd to the rear of Barham Park.

Possible New car park access from Harrow Rd opening up to the rear North Western end of Barham Park directly next to the train line

We would like to establish Barham Bus Cafe as a social enterprise and help support some of the young unemployed people to gain new skills and run the Barham Bus Cafe, so if you are a young person please get in touch email or if you are a business who might want to donate some materials or money to make this reality then please get in touch

To make Barham Bus Cafe a reality we need your support so please provide your comments and most importantly TELL BRENT that you want the Barham Bus Cafe and we will make it reality !

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